Wednesday, March 21, 2007

winter maneuvers

walking home on monday i couldn’t help but think about how much i loved the snow as a kid. not because of days off from school (though that was a definite plus) but because it meant that it was time for winter maneuvers.

most kids went sledding or had snowball fights with friends, but not me. nope as soon as i was all bundled up in my snow gear i was out on the front lawn with the joe team getting ready to foil cobra’s latest nefarious plan. you see there were always snow covered settings in episodes of g.i.joe. there had to be, how else would the make use of characters like frostbite and snow job? so when the snow fell in trenton, new jersey it was my chance to take my team out into one of those settings. polar battle bear in hand (i never got a snow cat, i know poor me) the battle would rage on until it was too cold to stay out anymore. then it was inside for hot cocoa.

now snow is a nuisance. a mess that i wish to avoid. another reason i like california, if i want to see snow, i’ll drive to it. it doesn’t come to me unexpectedly, ruining my plans for a fun weekend.

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